
Toni Arráez

CEO | Bodegas Arráez
Toni Arráez


Toni Arráez Calabuig is the director and winemaker of Bodegas Arráez, since 2007. He follows the maxim of valuing the native grapes of the Mediterranean, as well as innovating bravely and without limits in the world of wine.


Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

“Raras” a limited edition wine that brings rare diseases on the table

Toni Arráez
Toni Arráez Bodegas Arráez CEO
Jabo García-Janini
Jabo García-Janini Agencia Kids Strategic and business director

07-02-2024 11:00 07-02-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid “Raras” a limited edition wine that brings rare diseases on the table

“Raras” is a limited ediction wine that brings rare diseases on the table. 500 different bottles and a unique wine, made with native varieties. 

A Charitable project by Bodegas Arráez and Agencia Creativa Kids, in collaboration with FEDER, which aims to give visibility and raise funds for research into rare diseases.

Auditorio de Prensa
Wed 7 11:00h - 11:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free