
Miguel A. Torres

President | Familia Torres
Miguel A. Torres


Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

Leading Climate Action – IWCA discusses why and how wine producers need to act now

Miguel A. Torres
Miguel A. Torres Familia Torres President
NĂºria AltĂ©s
NĂºria AltĂ©s Herència AltĂ©s Co owner
MarĂ­a Urrutia
MarĂ­a Urrutia CVNE Marketing Director & Board Member
Pedro Ruiz Aragoneses
Pedro Ruiz Aragoneses Alma Carraovejas CEO
Sarah Jane Evans
Sarah Jane Evans MW
Mafalda Vasques
Mafalda Vasques Winemaker

05-02-2024 17:00 05-02-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Leading Climate Action – IWCA discusses why and how wine producers need to act now

IWCA brings together leading Spanish and Portuguese winemaking members to analyse the future of wine production in Southern European and why carbon emission reduction is crucial.  

Never before have such a dynamic group of leading wineries from the Iberian Peninsula come together to discuss the future of low emission wine production and to sign the first joint agreement to commit to reducing their collective reduction of emissions.  

This is a major step forward for wine producers in Spain and Portugal - join the IWCA discussion about the future of your business in a changing climate.

Auditorio de Prensa
Mon 5 17:00h - 17:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free