
Juan Glaría Yetano

Technical director | Masaveu Bodegas
Juan Glaría Yetano


Agricultural Technical Engineer and oenologist. Since 2016 he has dedicated himself exclusively to Masaveu Bodegas, first as winemaker at the Pagos de Araiz winery and then as technical director and winemaker coordinator at Masaveu Bodegas.


Round table | Speakers' Corner by Nissan - BWW HUB

Adaptability to climate change

Juan Glaría Yetano
Juan Glaría Yetano Masaveu Bodegas Technical director
Javier Arizcuren
Javier Arizcuren Bodega Arizcuren Director
Paula Fandiño
Paula Fandiño Mar de Frades Technical director and manager
Margalida Ripoll Ferrer
Margalida Ripoll Ferrer Journalist

07-02-2024 13:00 07-02-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Adaptability to climate change

The climate emergency conditions the day-to-day life and future strategies of the wine sector. The options for adaptability to climate change are diverse depending on the priorities, dimensions, location and resources of the wineries. What are the main measures that the sector is working on to face present and future climate challenges? We will learn about practical cases of adaptation to the new climate reality.

Speakers' Corner by Nissan
Wed 7 13:00h - 13:45h Speakers' Corner by Nissan Free