
Antonio Tomás Palacios García

Director | Laboratorios Excell-Ibérica
Antonio Tomás Palacios García


PhD in Biology, Master in Viticultura & Oenology. Specialist in Technology of Oenology. Ex-Director Lallemand Iberia. Expert in sensory analysis. Winemaker. Professor at University & Outlook Wine. Director Lab. Excell-Ibérica.


Talk | Press Auditorium - BWW HUB

“Truths, myths and legends of wine”

David Molina
David Molina Outlook Wine "The Barcelona Wine School" Director
Antonio Tomás Palacios García
Antonio Tomás Palacios García Laboratorios Excell-Ibérica Director

06-02-2024 17:00 06-02-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid “Truths, myths and legends of wine”

The world of wine accumulate many myths and legends transmitted through decades that had been encrusted culturally in the mind of the consumer. We will uncover the truth about these myths through argumentation.

Auditorio de Prensa
Tue 6 17:00h - 17:45h Auditorio de Prensa Free